AthenPollo sources only the best candidates, a claim we can attest to based on the rigorous battery of customizable knowledge and skills assessments that we put them through before we send them to you. That our clients deserve only the best goes without saying, always, because we have always worked to provide them with the Human Resource excellence that they richly deserve.
For the jobseeker, AthenPollo is the place to come to, simply because while we help you find the job of your dreams, we help prepare you for a life and career where you steadily build the capacity and potential to exceed them. What you are able to dream of today as the ideal job, we will transform into your ability to initiate and maintain the career of a lifetime. Working closely with Team AthenPollo, you will find that your career baby steps are really giant leaps compared to your peers who aren't privy to The AthenPollo Advantage
The AthenPollo Process:A tried-and-tested process formula that makes use of the latest methods and technologies, all with a view towards delighting our clients, by exceeding their expectations when it comes to providing them with the ideal human resources. Our end-to-end solutions begin with the Needs Assessment, followed by a Skills Assessment battery for candidates, and thereafter, work towards ensuring that we have the right candidates for vacancies in your organization, based on our mutually-accepted understanding of your corporate culture, and your company’s HR needs.
Needs AssessmentIdentifying the right candidate for a job begins with identifying the need for the position in the first place. So, it should come as no surprise that AthenPollo does a complete and thorough analysis of the prevailing market conditions, the state of the industry, the needs of the organization, and a whole lot more, all in an effort to let data and hard facts show a prudent way forward. By working in close association with our clients, we are able to provide them with a robust framework that will take them from talent-seeker to industry leader in no time at all.
RecruitingOur recruiting process is as rigorous as they come, and really, we wouldn't have it any other way because to do so means having to accept a compromise on the quality of candidates that we provide. And that, we are not willing to ever do. Utilizing the latest methodologies, technologies and processes, we ensure that you, our esteemed client, will receive the ideal candidates with the right combination of knowledge, skills and personality to help you achieve your targets, while being ambassadors of the superior brand of products and services that you provide your own clients and customers.
Screening and Skills AssessmentA complete skills assessment is the chosen strategy, tailored to meet specific client requirements, of course. At AthenPollo, we take great pride in the way we consistently provide our clients with the right battery and assortment of skills assessments, so that they can be sure that they have eliminated those less suitable candidates who will end up being more of an expense than an investment in the long run. Our screening process guarantees a successful series of rounds aimed at culling candidates who do not meet the stringent requirements of the clients we work very hard to please.
InterviewingOnce candidates have successfully progressed beyond the Screening Stage, we interview them with a series of interviews aimed at providing the complete picture of the candidate. From what motivates them to succeed, to what brought them into this particular interview and everything else in between, AthenPollo aims to provide its clients with informative candidate profiles that capture a snapshot of the most relevant details, at every stage of the Interview process. Team AthenPollo works closely with its clients to determine the preferred rounds of interview and the arrangement of candidate to interviewer/panel, so as to provide the ideal mix of interactions with the potential candidate to arrive at a clear decision oh her/his suitability for the position.
Reference ChecksWhile a minimum of two reference checks is the industry standard, AthenPollo works with the best, most thoroughly professional background verification service providers to arrive at completely authentic profiles of candidates, based on the information that they have provided, and in some cases, failed to provide. We consider this a formidable line of defense against letting potentially unqualified individuals advance through any more of the recruitment process than it takes to identify them and remove them from the pool of potential candidates.
Talent ManagementOur involvement with our clients and candidates continues well beyond any handing over of talent. We like to ensure that the candidates we have provided, particularly those in temporary positions, are providing the results that we guaranteed, as well as keeping them up-to-date with the skills that they will need to acquire or brush up on to stay current in the dynamic talent pool that they are a part of. As part of our attempt to control quality, we initiate and carry out such checks as the first-day arrival check, end-of-the-week performance check, as well as an end-of-assignment quality control survey, among several others.
Follow-upBy being in touch with specific project partners at our various clients, we are able to provide a constant flow of data, as well as to receive up-to-the-minute details about the various elements of our HR recruitment strategy is providing the most favorable results, and which elements need to be corrected or modified to begin to do so. We believe that the following up is as important as the planning or the evaluation after-the-fact because it will determine the day-to-day successes of any and all initiatives that are implemented. This then, will ultimately build up with each day to determine the overall success of the programs we instituted, paving the way for a brighter, more productive future.
Temporary StaffingAthenPollo provides a variety of options to its business partners, clients and the candidates it helps to recruit. From purely temporary staffing arrangements that can be periodical or one-off situations, to temporary staffing with a view towards normalizing the candidate and having her or him absorbed into the client organization, the gamut of HR recruitment solutions we provide are as complete as they are vast.
In addition to temporary staffing and full-time staffing solutions, AthenPollo is more than capable of taking on your entire recruitment function, thanks to its Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) services. Now you can leave your recruiting to us, and with our extensive network of service providers, assessment centers, and multi-faceted assessment and evaluation options, we will provide you with the ideal candidates to help your organization experience the success that was destined to come its way.